The bathroom is one of the most important and (let's face it) most used rooms in your entire Atlanta home, so you need to make sure it's also one of the best-maintained rooms in there. To ensure that your bathroom enjoys the best looks and functionality, consider getting a professional bathroom remodeling from At Your Service Restoration & Renovation. We offer top-rated bathroom remodeling services that can complement our equally excellent kitchen remodeling.
Our remodeling specialists have the experience and the know-how to provide top-quality remodeling services that will get your bathroom looking and functioning like brand new. If you're looking to get a bathroom remodeling for your Atlanta home, you can depend on our experienced remodeling specialists to get the work done right!
Some of the Areas We Offer Bathroom Remodeling In
Bathroom Cabinets
The cabinets are some of the most important installations within your Atlanta bathroom. They provide a place for you to store the necessary toiletries that might otherwise be something of an eyesore for your bathroom, making them one of the most useful installations in your entire bathroom. However, functionality is not your cabinets' only contribution.
They can also contribute to the overall look of your bathroom. To be sure that that look is a beautiful one, you need to be sure you have stunning cabinetry. If your cabinets are currently far from stunning, you're in luck. After all, you can always have our remodeling experts address your cabinetry woes while we handle your bathroom remodeling.
Bathroom Flooring
The flooring in your bathroom is another installation that can make or break the look of your bathroom. Luckily for you, there is a huge assortment of bathroom flooring options to choose from: everything from tile to stone to laminate and all else. So, no matter what look you want for your Atlanta home's bathroom, you can get the best flooring for that look.
What's more, you can also get the best-FUNCTIONING flooring for your bathroom. That's right: Your choice of flooring can have a significant effect on your bathroom. Certain flooring options are better around water. Others are more slip-resistant. Others are cooler or warmer. Whatever your needs are, you can get the best flooring for those needs as we address your flooring needs during your bathroom remodeling.
Bathroom Fixtures
Your bathroom is only as good as the plumbing fixtures within it. After all, it's not as though you go to the bathroom simply to admire its beautiful cabinets and perfect flooring. Pretty much every trip to the bathroom is necessitated by the fixtures within it: your toilets, shower, tub, and sink.
Just because these fixtures are necessary doesn't mean they should LOOK necessary. That is to say, your bathroom's plumbing fixtures can be as beautiful as anything else within it. You can get the best-functioning and best-looking bathroom fixtures during your bathroom remodeling, of course. Just tell our Atlanta remodeling experts what kind of fixtures you have in mind, and we'll handle the procuring and installation of those fixtures!